The Renaissance International School

Madrone Team Bios

Marissa Matthews, Toddler English Guide

Marissa Matthews

Toddler English Guide

Marissa was a Montessori child from ages 2.5-11. She studied opera as an undergraduate and received a B.A. in Music from UC Berkeley. After a couple of years teaching English in Japan, Marissa found her calling and returned to Montessori. She now holds an AMI diploma for ages 0-6 from the Montessori Institute of San Diego and an M.Ed. with a Montessori specialization from the University of San Diego. She joined TRIS in 2016. 

Marissa loves music and sings with the Oakland Jazz Choir. She is learning to play the ukulele, much to the delight of her students. Marissa has two children of her own who attend TRIS. She loves to spend time with her family singing, gardening, and camping.

Olga Morataya,  Toddler Spanish Guide

Olga Morataya

Toddler Spanish Guide

Olga immi­grated to the United States from Guatemala in 1995. Since then she has acquired the Child Devel­op­ment Assis­tant Per­mit and the Child Devel­op­ment Assis­tant Teacher per­mit and has run her own in-​home day­care pro­gram. Olga has also taught children’s Chris­t­ian edu­ca­tion for over 15 years in Guatemala and in Oak­land. Olga has been at TRIS since 2008.

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