The Renaissance International School

Lower Elementary Team Bios

Welling­ton Pontes Filho

Welling­ton Pontes Filho 

Wellington has over 17 years of experience in education. He began his educational career as a middle and high school math teacher. Originally from Fortaleza, Brazil, Wellington holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, a degree in Education with an emphasis in Math from the Universidade Estadual do Ceara, and a degree in Special Education, specializing in the hearing-impaired, from the Universidade Estadual Vale do Acarau in Brazil. Wellington taught elementary through high school students before coming to the U.S. Ever since, he completed the AMI Primary Montessori training in Mountain View, California as well as an AMI Elementary Montessori training program in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Wellington has been working at TRIS since 2005, where he has taught in Primary and Elementary; he is currently teaching in Upper Elementary. During this time, he has trained many teachers in his classroom on classroom management, and how to use and integrate the Montessori philosophy in their lessons. Wellington has four children at TRIS. He believes that every child should be valued and treated with respect. An education should empower a child and help her or him make a positive contribution to our world. Wellington is thrilled to be working with an international community, dedicated teaching staff, and sharing his passion for math and Montessori education with his students.

Marie P

Ms. P.

Ms. P. was born in France and has been a Montessori educator since 2000, when she was trained for primary school by the AMI in Montreal (Canada). She also followed a course in philosophy for children at the University of Laval as well as a course on benevolence (Canada). 

She has a degree in education from the University of Aix en Provence (South of France). She had the chance to start her career in the oldest Montessori school in Switzerland in Geneva where she was a primary and elementary teacher. 

Ms. P. has shared her passion for Montessori education with children from 2 to 11 years old in Switzerland, Canada, Tahiti and Paris. 

She loves to see children develop their thirst for learning, become autonomous in their learning and thus blossom like pretty flowers of all colors under the sun of knowledge. She thinks that a Montessori class is a micro society where the child acquires at his own pace the knowledge of how to do, how to be and how to think to be able to build a better and fairer world when he will be an adult. What a beautiful objective!

Ramiro Ruiz

Ramiro Ruiz 

Ramiro was born in Colom­bia. He received a B. A. in Phi­los­o­phy and Lit­er­a­ture from the Uni­ver­sity Pon­tif­i­cates Boli­var­i­ana. He is also a spe­cial­ist in Edu­ca­tional Plan­ning and Per­son­al­ized Edu­ca­tion. He has taught at the uni­ver­sity and high school level. He also worked as a school super­in­ten­dent and assis­tant prin­ci­pal. He holds an AMI Ele­men­tary Montes­sori certificate. Ramiro has been at TRIS since 2010.

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